Websites like,, and ebay Kleinanzeigen are good sources for checking the accomodation market in Hamm and Lippstadt. So, if you are interested in your own flat, then you’ve come to the right place. Alternatively, the Student Union Paderborn offers a housing agency. You can find more information on the Homepage Student Union Paderborn.
From job search to discounts
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Accomodation search

Hamm: There are two student residences in Hamm. The SCI: Q Campus Living directly opposite the HSHL and the student dormitory of the Paderborn Student Union in the centre of the city.
Lippstadt: In Lippstadt there is a dormitory on Unionstrasse, which is provided by the Paderborn Student Union.
All three dormitories have advantages and disadvantages. It is best to find out more from students who already live there! Tip: At the beginning of the winter semester, many people try to get a place there, which usually leads to long waiting lists – so find alternatives.
You can find more information on the Homepage des Studierendenwerk Paderborn.
Shared flat
Shared flat
Shared flat
Shared flat
In our experience, a shared flat is ideal for students. The rent can be shared. You don’t live alone. Your roommates may have something that you are missing and you can generally help each other out. Tip: Not every flat share is perfect. That is why it is important to find the right flatmates and the right flat. Take a look at this post.
How do you even find a flat share? As already described, the Student Union Paderborn offers a housing agency. They also include shared flats. In addition, rooms in shared flats are offered on the university’s notice board. Tip: At it is also a good idea to look for a flat at the end of a semester.
Since at the beginning of the winter semester, many students finish their studies, the AStA and the HSHL post offers that give the opportunity to take over a flat from their students. The flat to be submitted are posted in the comments and you can communicate directly with the person making the offer. The landlord will of course make the final decision as to whether you can take over the flat. There are also various Facebook groups of students where you can try your luck. Here you can find the groups: HSHL – Offizielle Gruppe der Studierenden, Lippstädter helfen Lippstädtern, Wohnungsmarkt Lippstadt and Hammer helfen Hammern.
Job search

Job portal
University’s job portal
Job portal
University’s job portal
For a larger job offer range, simply search through our university’s job portal. Here you will find offers specifically for your degree program, as well as part-time jobs or internships.
JobportalThe Semesterticket
First you have to transfer the full semester fee to enroll or to re-register.
You can get the PDF file with the SemesterTicket here. You have to enter your details download the ticket (no registration required).
This can be printed or downloaded to your PC, smartphone or tablet.
Important: The SemesterTicket is only valid with legitimation through photo ID.
The ticket is valid for one semester. After that, the barcode no longer works.
However, you can print out or save the ticket one month before the start of the semester (from August 1st or March 1st).
Important: The ticket is only valid from the beginning of the semester!
You have the option of conveniently printing the ticket at home and / or saving it on your smartphone or similar. When being controlled on buses and trains, you simply show your mobile device or the printed ticket.
Important: always carry the appropriate valid photo ID with you to ensure that it is your ticket.
On the buses of the cities of Münster, Bocholt, Rheine, Hamm, Soest, Lippstadt and Iserlohn you can take another person or a bike with you free of charge on weekdays from 7 p.m., on weekends and on public holidays all day.
In addition, you can take one child (6-14 years) with you for free all day in the entire Münsterland (tariff area VGM / VRL) on buses and trains. Regardless of the SemesterTicket regulations, children under 6 years of age are transported free of charge.
Furthermore, of course, the ticket is non-transferable, i.e. only you can use your ticket yourself.
The night bus surcharge, which you do not have to pay on buses in the VGM / VRL tariff area (city of Münster, district of Warendorf, district of Coesfeld, district of Steinfurt, district of Borken, city of Hamm, district of Unna, district of Soest, Hochsauerlandkreis and Märkischer Kreis), does not apply to the person or child accompanying you. In other cities or districts, you have to pay a night bus surcharge, if it is charged.
Important: In some districts and cities outside of Münsterland, the SemesterTicket itself may not be valid on the night bus, e.g. in Bielefeld. This is due to the fact that the night buses there do not belong to the so-called community tariff, but are a kind of “special buses”. The full price must be paid here.
You can conveniently show your ticket on your smartphone or similar. However, if you have forgotten it, it is advisable to print out the SemesterTicket and put it in your wallet. If you have forgotten both and are being checked, you should present your ticket and the payment request to the transporting company (train or bus) as soon as possible. Savings tip: Then you only have to pay a processing fee (approx. € 7). This is considerably cheaper than the € 60 for “fare dodging”.
Where and in which means of transport is the ticket valid?
In principle, you can use all public transport in NRW (the underground trains, trams, suspension railways or the normal Deutsche Bahn trains (RE, NRW, NRW-Express etc.)). Of course, this also applies to all buses and other means of public transport.
Important: The use of IC, EC and ICE trains and travel in 1st class are generally not possible with the SemesterTicket.
Here you can find the NRW route network.
This map shows a detailed route overview of the whole of North Rhine-Westphalia. However, especially in the peripheral areas, there are also routes on this map that are not allowed to be travelled with the NRW ticket. For all those who move on the edge of NRW, this Graphic specifically depicts the transition areas.
Can I take my bike with me?
Further information on taking bicycles outside these cities:
I don’t need a ticket because I am on an internship, semester abroad or because ..
Basically, it should be said that the SemesterTicket is financed by the solidarity community of all students and that the ticket can only be reimbursed under certain conditions.
Further information and the reimbursement form can be found at Campus Office Online.
We refer to the decision of the Federal Administrative Court of May 12, 1999:
The Federal Administrative Court ruled on May 12, 1999 (BVerwG 6 C 14.98 and 6 C 10.98) that a student body constituted as a corporation under public law with compulsory membership has the authority to introduce a SemesterTicket by voting in a ballot. Constitutional complaints against these judgments were not accepted for decision by the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG, 1 BvR 1510/99 and 1 BvR 1410/99). In view of the students’ “financial need for training” and the high travel costs, the SemesterTicket serves to improve the social situation of the students. The suitability of the SemesterTicket is to be measured by the advantages for all students. The compulsory participation of all students contributes significantly to the extent of the discount achieved. The Federal Constitutional Court expressly acknowledges that “the improvement of the environmental conditions, the relaxation of the parking situation and the possibility of using the ticket for leisure purposes in principle benefit all students”.
Print & bind
You can use the printer and the binding machine free of charge. You will need a USB stick to use it. If you don’t have one or if it is not recognised by the device, you can get a free USB stick from the library or the AStA office.
IMPORTANT: Please ensure that the binding machine is turned OFF and unpluged after the use.
Printer locations
- Hamm (H4.2-E00-060)
- Lippstadt (L3.1-E01-370)
Before using the binding machine
Please watch this video showing you how to use the binding machine 🙂
*by clicing the link you agree to the terms of the respective website.
Rental bikes
metropolradruhr and nextbike – the bike rental system
What am I being offered?
HSHL students can use metropolradruhr / nextbike bikes free of charge for 60 minutes on each trip. If the trip takes longer than 60 minutes, € 0.50 per half hour (maximum € 5 for a 24-hour trip) will be charged. The whole thing can be conveniently controlled with the “nextbike” app, which you can download to any device. In addition to our locations in Hamm and Lippstadt, the bikes are also available in cities like Bochum, Duisburg, Essen, Mühlheim, Oberhausen, Bottrop, Gelsenkirchen, Herne and Dortmund. If you are specifically interested in the locations of the rental stations, just take a look at their websites (metropolradruhr-locations / nextbike-locations).
Registration and use: this is how it works!
HSHL students have to register once at To do this, fill out the registration form in full, enter your university email address and select HSHL as your partner as preset.
Finally click on the button “order with obligation to pay”. Payable? (If the free hour is exceeded, the customer account is automatically deactivated. A text message informs you respectively. The payment method must now be stored so that the amount that has exceeded the 60 free minutes can be debited. Once this has happened, the customer account will be activated again .)
A link will be sent to the previously stored university email address – please confirm this. After successful registration, an SMS with the individual PIN code will be sent to you. With this you can log into your customer account and activate the app the first time you use it.
Any questions?
Do you still have questions about the bike rental system? Then you can do the following:
- check the F.A.Q. page
- contact service
- and if nothing works, send us an email to
Your AStA team wishes you a lot of fun cycling!
Student´s discounts
We regularly negotiate new discounts to give you benefits and discounts. To be able to take advantage of this, all you have to do is show the respective provider your valid student ID.
Savings tip: There are often general discounts for students, so you should always keep an eye out for them everywhere!
You will also find many discount offers in the voucher booklet that you receive when you start your studies.
We always look forward to new discount offers.
Contact for providers: