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HSHL committees

Student self-administration



Student representatives

Organisation chart HSHL

the following document gives you an overview of all HSHL`s committees with and without student representatives.


Examination Board


  • Organisation of the tests and supervision of their implementation
  • Compliance with the examination regulations and the preparation of an annual report to the Senate
  • Decision on any contradictions that were made in an examination procedure


  • The examination board is elected by the Senate

Student representation

  • 1 student for a term of 2 years

Meeting cycle

  • Depending on requirements, usually once a month during the lecture period



  • Confirmation of the election of the members of the Presidium and, with a majority of three quarters of the votes, recommending their removal to the University Council
  • Comment on the annual report of the Presidium
  • Adoption and amendment of the basic regulations, framework regulations and regulations of the university
  • Recommendations and statements on the draft university development plan and the target agreement, on the evaluation reports, on the business plan, on the principles of allocation of positions and funds


  • Election by the student body

Student representation

  • 5 students for a term of 2 years
  • AStA board with an advisory vote

Meeting cycle

  • 4x a year

KSL (Komission für Studium & Lehre)


  • Advising the university management on ensuring and continuously improving the quality of teaching and studying
  • Prepare planning proposals for the appropriate use of the funds made available by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to improve the quality of teaching and research


  • The commission is elected by the Senate

Student representation

  • 4 students for a term of 2 years
  • Advisory board of the AStA

Meeting cycle

  • 4x a year



  • Commitment to equal opportunities and equality between men and women in all university matters
  • The Equal Opportunities Commission advises on all issues relating to equality
  • The Commission also monitors the establishment, compliance and updating of the equality plans
  • Participation in the internal allocation of funds
  • Drafting of statements in the event of contradictions by the equality officers elected by the commission, for example in the application process choice
  • The Equal Opportunities Commission is elected by the Senate
  • The student representatives are elected by the student representatives of the Senate


  • The Equal Opportunities Commission is elected by the Senate
  • The student representatives are elected by the student representatives of the Senate

Student representation

  • 1 student for a term of 1 year

Meeting cycle

  • 2x a Semester


Hamm 1&2, Lippstadt 1&2

Courses in the departments

  • Department Council Hamm 1: ETR, BMT, TMM, ISD, PAM, ABT und BMM
  • Department Council 2: SGT, UFC, IWP, PDB, UGA und IBP
  • Department Council 1: MTR, WNG, MBP, BSE und TCM
  • Department Council 2: CVD, AIS, BWL, ELE, TIN und BWM


  • Make decisions within the respective department on matters in the area of ​​research and teaching that are not the responsibility of other bodies
  • Adoption of subject examination regulations and module manuals for the various courses of study in the respective department
  • Voting on appointment proposals for new professorships
  • Decision on renaming of subject areas

The tasks are regulated by § 28 of the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia.


  • Direct election by the student body

Student representation

  • 2 students each for a term of 1 year

Meeting cycle

  • Department Council Hamm 1: every 4-5 weeks
  • Department Council Hamm 2: 3x a semester during the lecture period
  • Department Council Lippstadt 1: every 3 weeks during the lecture period
  • Department Council Lippstadt 2: 4x a semester

Paderborn Student Union

Our student position on the administrative board

The Studierendenwerk Paderborn is an institution under public law, i.e. an independent, organizationally independent institution that provides services for students at HSHL and other universities.

The student body is represented on the administrative board by four students, three students from the University of Paderborn and one HSHL student. The HSHL is represented by Andre Grochowski.

If you, for example, have any problems with your dormitory or requests regarding the cafeteria, you can send an email to and your concerns will be dealt with as soon as possible.

More Information here: Student Union Paderborn

Andre Grochowski, 24,
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen im 5. Semester

Areas of responsibility of the Paderborn Student Union

  • Establishment and operation of catering facilities
  • Construction, rental and brokerage of living space
  • Measures for student funding, in particular for training grants under BAföG
  • Establishment and operation of day-care centres for children
  • Promotion of cultural university life
  • Health and social promotion measures


Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt


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